• Europe,  Moldova

    Moldova, a walk around Chisinau

    A walk around Chisinau leaves no illusions. Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe and can be seen at first glance. Destroyed buildings and broken sidewalks can be seen when you deviate from the main street. Representative streets, on the other hand, reminds  the former glory days. Built with a typical Soviet grandeur, now they look quite grotesque and ask for at least some facelift. However, such a charm of Chisinau, I personally liked this city very much. Some buildings are slowly being brought back to life, such as the State Circus. Shortly after opening in 1981, it was the largest facility of this type in Moldova, equipped…

  • tyraspol
    Europe,  Transnistrian Moldovan Republic

    Tiraspol, Transnistria – alternative reality

    Transnistria, self-appointed country with the capital in Tiraspol was my next direction after a visit to the Nogorno Karabakh. The perspective of seeing another so-called self-appointed country has been fascinating me for a long time. On the Internet you can find a lot of information about this place and, above all, warnings due to the unclear status of this  area and possible threats to the tourist. The reason of my visit there wasn’t the desire to raise the adrenaline, but to see with my own eyes how it’s there. Transnistria, actually, the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic hasn’t been recognised on the international arena, even by Russia, which officially supports it financially…

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