
Abandoned Cinema

The abandoned cinema used to be an important cultural and entertainment centre of the city, but today it’s falling into ruin. The building was built between 1924 and 1929. Initially, it was intended to serve as a fire brigade facility.

Urbex, kino
Urbex, kino
Urbex, kino

There was a fire station along with a practice room for the orchestra. However, right after its construction, the facility was leased and operated as a cinema until World War II.

Urbex, kino - kasa
Urbex, kino

At that time, theatre performances and special events were also organized there. During the war, it was taken over by the Germans and returned to the fire brigade in 1946. In the 1980s, the building was closed due to the fire brigade’s financial problems. The cinema was taken over by the city, which, however, didn’t use it in any way.

Urbex, kino
Urbex, kino -  widownia

Currently, the building is still adjacent to the fire brigade station. On the ground floor you can see a spacious hall with ticket offices. One of the rooms resembles a kitchen, so there must also have been a restaurant.

Urbex, kino
Urbex, kino - kuchnia

The main attraction of the cinema is, of course, the auditorium which could accommodate 500 spectators. Despite the passage of time, it still looks quite attractive. A row of chairs, the characteristic apricot colour of the walls and a meaningful plaque right under the stage take back to the times when performances took place there.

Urbex, kino
Urbex, kino
Urbex, kino - scena

Going up the staircase, you can also get to the balcony and the attic.

Urbex, kino - klatka schodowa
Urbex, kino -widownia

While from the balcony you can see the stage from an interesting perspective, the attic doesn’t look so attractive.

Urbex, kino
Urbex, kino  - poddasze

An additional attraction is the technical room where you can see old projectors.

Urbex, kino - projektory

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