Costa Rica

  • kostaryka
    Central America,  Costa Rica

    Costa Rica attractions, naturally! Part II

    From my trip to Costa Rica, I will definitely remember one thing – the amazing lush vegetation of tropical rainforests. Místico Arenal Hanging Bridges is definitely a must-see. The park has 6 suspension bridges and 10 traditional bridges that allow you to see the rainforest from a completely different, higher perspective. The most spectacular view is from the longest bridge, which is almost 100 m long and over 25 m high. The way there is an attraction itself, because the bridge is not a stable structure and wobbles with each step you take. In addition, it gets quite slippery when it rains. Looking down isn’t recommended, especially for people with…

  • Central America,  Costa Rica

    Costa Rica attractions, naturally! Part I

    I am starting my trip to Costa Rica in mid-November. I’ve planned to see paradise beaches, tropical rainforests, huge waterfalls, volcanoes and countless tropical animals and birds such as: sloths, monkeys, toucans and parrots. It sounds so exciting… Meanwhile, crossing the border with Panama in Paso Canoas, I’m thinking if it’s the right place. There is no one on the street and the wall of rain literally makes me invisible as well as everything around me. Of course, while organising this travel I took into account the possibility of heavy rainfall because of the end of the rainy season. However, I was full of hope  because according to many sources…

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