Africa,  Senegal

Senegal – vicious circle, Girl off the trail

Finally, I’ve got my stuff together to write another post from my trip to Senegal. In January, just after my arrival, you could read about the problem of the progressive littering in Africa by the so-called “developed countries”. This time, I’ll present the living conditions in this country. I know that pictures are more meaningful than the words, so I will limit the comments.

Senegal, dzieci
Senegal, wieś

There is no denying that a large part of Senegal’s society lives in poverty, especially in the north of the country. Many people are malnourished, and it is especially painful to see emaciated, begging children. It has a very emotional impact, however, making any donations actually supports this illegal practice. Education in Senegal is compulsory until the age of 16, however, many children finish it earlier. Then they’re forced to work in agriculture or small services. Lack of any education rules out their chance for a better future. As a matter of fact, under these conditions, any aspirations seem to be something abstract.


Agriculture is the base of Senegal’s economy. The main crops grown here are millet, couscous, rice, maize and sorghum. Peanuts are also an important export commodity. The problem of progressive overpopulation in the world increases the demand for food. In recent years, a growing phenomenon of land acquisition in Africa and the exploitation of its coasts can be observed. The main players are: China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Saudi Arabia. As a result, local people struggling with the food crisis are deprived of access to their own land and water.

Senegal, rolnictwo
Senegal, zycie
Senegal, zycie

Another source of income is tourism. However, as a result of the terrorist threat and the cancellation of the famous Paris-Dakar rally, the number of tourists visiting Senegal has decreased significantly.
Fishing is also an important branch of the economy. Fish are the basis of the Senegalese diet, and the national dish is thieboudienne – fish with rice and vegetables.
Unfortunately, Senegal has been struggling for years with illegal fishing carried out by vessels under foreign flags. China is particularly expanding in this field. Fish in Senegal has been a wholesome meal for years and a source of income for a large part of the society. Currently, local fishermen equipped with simple wooden boats are losing an uneven competition with large trawlers.
The Senegalese authorities are helpless in fight with illegal fishing. The lack of proper security services and the ubiquitous corruption make it impossible to take any action.

Senegal, rybołóstwo

Food shortages are not the only problem facing Senegalese villagers. There’s also no health care. Hospitals and clinics are located in larger cities, and any medical assistance in rural areas is practically non-existent. Ritual female genital mutilation is still common in some ethnic groups. These procedures are performed in conditions far from sterile, which causes numerous complications and health problems.


The situation of women is particularly difficult. Based on my observations, I can say that they are the main labour force in agriculture. The sight of women working in the fields or carrying heavy goods is common.


Nevertheless, their appearance is surprising. Despite hard work and a low standard of living, they wear carefully groomed colourful clothes.

senegalskie kobiety

The standard of living in the countryside is very low, which is why many people decide to emigrate to the cities. Dakar – the capital of Senegal seems to be the main destination of the Senegalese. The city is overcrowded, traffic jams stretch here to the horizon, and the living conditions are far from meeting any standards. Overcrowding and a low standard of living give rise to additional social problems such as homelessness and crime.

Senegal - Dakar
Senegal - Dakar
Senegal - Dakar
Senegal - Dakar

The condition of the road infrastructure also leaves much to be desired. Senegalese roads are certainly not a driver’s dream. In fact, many of them are not even asphalted. Dilapidated cars and the fantasy of drivers and passengers are a big challenge for drivers who are not adapted to local conditions.

Senegal - Dakar
Senegal - Dakar

There’re numerous cars on the roads packed to the brim with various goods. Sometimes it is surprising how big capacity the roof of the car can have.

Senegal - transport

People’s daily life is concentrated mainly on the roads. While driving around Senegal, you can see not only numerous roadside bazaars, bars and shops, but also hairdressers, shoemakers and other types of services.

Senegal, bazar
Senegal, sklep
Senegal, sklep
Senegal, sklep
Senegal, fryzjer

An indispensable element of roadsides are also dilapidated cars and workshops. I devoted a separate post to the problem of exporting European, scrap cars to Senegal.

Senegal, warsztat

Along the roads, you can also see numerous animals that feed on leftovers from the street.

Senegal, zwierzęta
Senegal, zwierzęta
Senegal, zwierzęta

In conclusion, I don’t really see any way to improve Senegal’s situation. The lack of decisive action on the part of the authorities makes it impossible to improve the living conditions of the country’s inhabitants. Excessive, illegal exploitation of natural resources, progressive littering in the absence of any waste management, as well as an inefficient health and education system have left Senegal in chaos. The situation of children who are forced to give up education and beg is particularly dramatic. The lack of awareness of any prospect for the young generation is a vicious circle and destroys hope for this country.

Who I am... I'm just an ordinary girl, who once believed that dreams come true, and since then, I’ve been pursuing them consistently. My adventure with travelling started in 2008 and since then, I've seen a lot of interesting places which I describe on my blog. I’m interested in the history and culture of the countries that I visit and that’s why I travel as much as I can. However, in addition to the preservation of my memories, the main purpose of the blog is to show you that dreams come true and you can travel often and cheap!

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