
  • Europe,  Kosovo

    Kosovo – Mitrvica and Prizren

    Kosovo, though small, offers many tourist attractions, starting with beautiful mountain trails and ending with historic cities. After visiting Pristina I decided to see two other cities: Mitrovica and Prizren. They both are totally different places, but on the other hand they present contrasts which are typical for Kosovo and its current politic situation as well. Mitrovica Mitrovica is located in the northern part of Kosovo, close to the border with Serbia. The largest percentage of Serbs live in this city, and therefore there is a clear division between Serbian and Albanian part. Right after Kosovo declaration of independence, the biggest riots and even terrorist attacks took place here. We…

  • kosowo

    Girl on a Trail – Kosovo

    In the very centre of Kosovo, there’s a huge statue – inscription NEWBORN. Born in February 2008 the Republic of Kosovo has not yet been officially recognised by many countries. The recognition of the Republic, was refused mainy by the countries which have internal problems with separatist regions like: Russia, Spain or Georgia. It has been almost 20 years since the end of the war with Serbia. Kosovo is still under international control and it’s the territory shared between Serbian and Kosovan Albanians. At Present, 90% of the population is of Albanian nationality, while Serbs represent only less than 10 % of the whole population. However, for centuries, the proportions…

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