
Hobbits’ stronghold in Helsinki neighborhood

Finlandia - Suomenlinna

Suomenlinna stronghold, located in 6 islands, is a very important point in Helsinki touristic map. It was built in the half XVIII century by the Swedish in order to defense against Russians. In that times it was the biggest building in the kingdom and the second – largest city in Finland. After a long siege it was finally conquered by Russians in 1808.

Finlandia - Suomenlinna

In view of its strategic location, Russians decided to move the capital of Finland from Turku to Helsinki in 1812.  Fortress remained under Russians rule till 1917, when Finland regained independence.

Finlandia - Suomenlinna

These days it doesn’t have military significance but it’s a very interesting historic monument. The most important attractions are located on two main islands: Iso Mustasaari and Susisaari in the lush verdant surrounding contrasting with intensive yellow flowers.  The most interesting points are: stronghold museum, ramparts, cannons or underground bunkers resembling typical Hobbits’ houses

Finlandia - Suomenlinna

On the stronghold area, in architecturally interesting houses live around 900 people.

Finlandia - Suomenlinna

After intensive sightseeing, we can rest in atmospheric restaurants and cafes.

Finlandia - Suomenlinna

What is the most important, Suomenlinna is not only a relic of the past but its’ also Finns’ favorite place of spending free time. We can get there by ferry which shuttles regularly from Kauppatori market (return ticket costs 4 euro).

Finlandia - Suomenlinna

The tally on the ferry was a nice surprise for us.

Finlandia - Suomenlinna

During journey, accompanied by seagulls, you can admire beautiful Helsinki panorama with the Lutheran Cathedral – Tuomiokirkko in the background.   

Finlandia - Suomenlinna

Ferry passes a lot of tiny, picturesque islets which are typical for the capital of Finland.

Finlandia - Suomenlinna

Who I am... I'm just an ordinary girl, who once believed that dreams come true, and since then, I’ve been pursuing them consistently. My adventure with travelling started in 2008 and since then, I've seen a lot of interesting places which I describe on my blog. I’m interested in the history and culture of the countries that I visit and that’s why I travel as much as I can. However, in addition to the preservation of my memories, the main purpose of the blog is to show you that dreams come true and you can travel often and cheap!

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