Chichén Itzá, Mexico – the bloody wonder of the world…
Chichén Itzá is one of the most important archaeological sites in Mexico, related to Mayan and Toltecs culture. Great temples, steep pyramids and colonnades erected in this place give us incredible image of this former empire. The location of the city in the hot, dry area of the Yucatan peninsula was possible due to two wells called cenotes. One of them was a water tank, while the second larger, called Cenote Sagrado – holy well, which was used for ritual purposes. It was the sacred place of the god of the rain – Chaca. In this well, not only valuable objects were sacrificed but people as well. In addition to…
Campeche and Uxmal – two civilizations
Uxmal is the second most – important Mayan city in Mexico, just after Chichen Itza. The city is famous for its architecture and ornamentation. The most surprising is the fact that there’re no drinking water reservoirs in the surroundings and even there’s no evidence that they existed. Probably, potable water was being cached during rains and used in the dry season. The lack of water resources explains the abundance of reliefs presenting Chaca – god of rain. The most representative point is the Pyramid of the Magician, towering over the city. Similarly to Chichen Itza, this pyramid was being used for ritual purposes. During rituals, priests offered still beating hearts…
Teotihuacan – place where people become gods
Located about 50km form Mexico City, Teotihuacan is one of the greatest mysteries in the history of humanity. Mysterious circumstances and time of its establishment are not known till now. We have only a legend, according to this city was built by giants called quinametin. Their civilization had been destroyed by a great catastrophe, before first man showed on Earth. The most fascinating thing in Teotihuacan is that this all impressive compound was built without usage of metal tools according to strict layout resembling solar system. It’s estimated that first buildings were built in 2nd century BC and the peak of this empire could have taken place between 4th and…