Tivoli is a magical place which makes even the adrenaline rush lovers dizzy, surprises by its colors and interesting, oriental architecture, where the smell of the cotton candy/candyfloss brings back childhood times.
Tivoli was built in 1834 and it’s one of the oldest amusement park in the world.
Despite numerous modifications it remained its old – fashioned character.
Just after the entrance one can see beautiful palace from the Tale of One Thousand and One Nights. It houses Nimb Hotel, one of the most expensive in Copenhagen.
A lot of cultural events take place in the park. Classical music concerts are organized in the Concert Hall and rock concerts entertain visitors every Friday evening.
In a building which resembles Chinese pagoda is also pantomime theatre. Biuil in 1874, it’s called also the Peacock Theatre in view of the curtains which look like a peacock’s tail.
But people come here mainly to have fun on the carousels, roller coasters or Ferris wheels.
The highest point is definitely 80 meter high carousel – Star Flyer. Reportedly it’s the second largest in the world. Take our word for it, that besides labyrinthine dysfunction it guarantees amazing view of Copenhagen. Another beautiful panorama you can admire from The Golden Tower – free fall tower.
Those who love adrenaline rush would be interested in Vertigo. It’s a 30 meter high pendulum with gondolas in the shape of airplanes.
Inside everyone can feel like a pilot of a nose – diving plane as it rotates and reaches 60 mph. One can feel there 5 times heavier because g-force can go up to 5.
Rollercoaster lovers won’t be disappointed in Tivoli, where within 2 minutes’ time with the speed of 48 mph, it’s possible to drive around numerous loops of the Demon Rollercoaster.
There’s also an old wooden rollercoaster called Rutsebanen. It was built in 1914 and it’s one of the oldest still operating rollercoasters in the world.
Tivoli provides an entertainment for children. There’re numerous attractions like: carousels, bumper cars, planes or mini Ferris wheels.
It’s not only a simple amusement park, but it’s also the place where after intensive day one can rest in Japanese or English gardens.
There’re a lot of atmospheric restaurants and cafes.
In the surrounding of picturesque scenery of the lake which is the remnant of the former moat you can eat a delicious meal in the restaurant located in the Chinese Tower built in 1900.
On the Rother hand in the evening, Tivoli Park is iluminated with 120 000 lamps which makes fabulous ambience. Additionally, fireworks display is organized there two times a week.
Tivoli isn’t only a place of old carousels, Ferris wheels and rollercoasters but it’s also a magical place which despite the time hasn’t lost its unique, old atmosphere.
It’s no wonder that it was an inspiration for Andersen’s tales and Walt Disney and his Disneyland.
Practical info:
Unfortunately admission to Tivoli isn’t cheap. It costs 99 DKK. During summer season on Fridays after 8 pm it costs 139 DKK. Cost of the single ride is from 25 DKK to 75DKK, it depends on the attraction. It’s possible to buy a multi – ride ticket for 209 DKK but the admission isn’t included in it.
More information you’ll find on Tivoli site.
The map of the park you ‘ll fine here.