Israel – 7 amazing places to visit!
Israel is mostly associated with holy places, leisure sunbathing like Eilat or music scene like Tel Aviv. However, in this small country there’re more than 40 national parks. What’s more interesting, due to the different location, they are very diverse. They include: green oases, the emerald coast, a unique crater, ruins of ancient cities or even the coral reef.
Rosh Hanikra Grottoes, Israel or Lebanon?
White, limestone cliffs, caves and crystal clear water of the Mediterranean sea this is how Rosh Hanikra Grottoes look like.
However, at the top of the white rocks you can see a high fence with a barbed wire, on the other side is Lebanon. Actually, from Rosh Hanikra, it’s closer to Beirut than Jerusalem. Here runs so called Blue line – the line set by the United Nations, only 19 years ago (in 2000). The border was established just after the Israeli army withdrawal from Southern Lebanon.
You can get to the grottoes by cable car (return ticket costs 45). In addition to clean water and paper white rocks, very interesting is 200 m tunnel. It was built during British reign in this area in order to connect by railway line Haifa with Beirut and Tripoli in Lebanon. The railway line served the British for military purposes during World War II.
Ein Gedi – zielona oaza nad Morzem Martwym
Oaza Ein Gedi zlokalizowana jest na wschodnim krańcu Pustyni Judzkiej, tuż obok Morza Martwego. Pustynia Judzka zupełnie nie przypomina pustyni, zamiast piaszczystych wydm, można tu zobaczyć wysokie wzniesienia i skały.
W parku znajdują się dwie główne ścieżki prowadzące przez zielone doliny: Wadi Arugot i Wadi David. Oprócz cudownych widoków na oazę oraz Morze Martwe, dodatkową atrakcją jest możliwość kąpieli w strumykach i wodospadach. Szlak przez dolinę Wadi David kończy się na wysokim wodospadzie, w którego głębi znajduje się jaskinia.
Poza niesamowitymi widokami, na terenie parku znajdują się również ruiny prehistorycznej świątyni oraz starej synagogi. Szlaki oznaczone są dwoma kolorami. Czerwone prowadzą przez pustynne krajobrazy, natomiast niebieskie – w dolinie, wzdłuż rześkich strumieni i wodospadów. Wstęp kosztuje 28 szekli.
Strome, niemal pionowe zbocza Twierdzy Masada wyróżniają się w nieco monotonnym krajobrazie wybrzeża Morza Martwego. Ogromna góra licząca ponad 450 m nad poziomem Morza Martwego, co w praktyce wynosi jakieś 10-20 m n.p.m odejmując depresję, widoczna jest z daleka i robi niesamowite wrażenie.
Strategiczne położenie Masady było jednym z powodów dla których Herod – Król Judei postanowił wybudować tu kompleks fortyfikacji. Masada była ostatnim bastionem obrony Żydów przed Rzymianami w 73-74 n.e. Po długotrwałym kilkumiesięcznym oblężeniu twierdzy przez Rzymian, obrona została zerwana.
Obrona zakończyła się masowym samobójstwem mieszkańców, którzy woleli odebrać sobie życie niż zostać rzymskimi niewolnikami.
There is a long path to the top, but most tourists decide to get there by cable car (return ticket costs 46 shekels and admission to the park 31 shekels).
Caesarea Maritima
The person of the king Herod is also associated with Caesarea Maritima – one of the most beautiful archaeological sites in Israel. In the complex of the ancient ruins you can visit the Roman theatre, the remains of the ancient port, the citadel and the fragments of ramparts.
The path to ruins leads along a huge hippodrome, which is located just at the shore the Mediterranean Coast. Admission to Cesarea National Park costs 39 shekels.
Ein Avdat – an oasis in the middle of the Negev Desert
Parking just at the entrance to the area of Ein Avdat National Park does not encourage to go on a trip. The arid landscape of the Negev Desert starts being boring after driving more than 170 km through the same countryside. However, a few steps further the tourist trail will lead you to completely different place. Admission costs 28 shekels.
A narrow, deep canyon, surrounded by interestingly sculptured rocks, caves and waterfalls creates a unique atmosphere of this place. Ein Avdat is also the habitat of the ibex, which can be seen on the trail.
Ramon Crater
Sometimes there’re places that can’t be described by words. Sometimes there’s no point in taking out the camera, because even the best photo will not present the scale and beauty of these places. That’s in the case of the Ramon Crater (Mitzpe Ramon). It’s a real gem on the map of Israel and a must-see place during your stay in Israel.
It’s one of the biggest craters on earth, created by erosion. It is 40 km long, 9 km wide and 300 m deep. The scale of this place is unimaginable, moreover, it’s constantly extending due to the processes of erosion. The crater was named after a participant of the tragic mission of the Space Shuttle Columbia, astronaut – Ilan Ramon.
The nearby museum is dedicated to the disaster of the Columbia Space Shuttle, while the hills surrounding the crater were named after the rest of the mission participants. The canyon makes an amazing impression at sunrise and sunset, especially from a nearby viewpoint, resembling the shape of a camel.
Ejlat – Coral Reef
Therefore after an intense sightseeing, it’s best to rest in Eilat – located at the Red Sea.
In the suburbs of this famous holiday resort is a national park where you can swim in the Red Sea surrounded by amazing colorful fish.