Nowe Miasto nad Metują
Czech Republic

Nové Město nad Metují – between the bliss and hell

Nové Město nad Metují is located in the Czech Republic, around 7 miles from Polish border. However, believe me that a trip there is definitely not a piece of cake.

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

First stop – the town Náchod, famous for perfectly equipped shops. Staple goods like very good beer and better beer abound in this town, so for some a trip to Czech Republic, not only starts there but also unexpectedly ends.

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

Those who miraculously manage to go past this town, have another problem. The way to Nové Město nad Metují, goes between the big lake – Bliss and the valley called the Hell in translation.

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

All in all, going to the Bliss is not such a bad idea but the Hell is better to admire from the view point located close to the Nové Město castle.

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

The castle which is the main tourist attraction in Nové Město nad Metují is open to visitors. Unfortunately guide trips are available only in Czech and taking photos is forbidden. However, the fabulous chambers are well worth visiting.

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

The castle is surrounded by a beautiful garden which is divided in two parts which are connected by the beautiful, wooden bridge.

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

The first part of the garden consists of symmetrical terraces while the second one is decorated with fountain and funny statues of dwarfs.

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

The perfect place to admire these fabulous gardens and lovely old town, is the castle tower – Máselnica.

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

The main point of the old town is the huge square which is surrounded by colorful townhouses.

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

The other part of the Nové Město nad Metují is as colorful as the old one and interestingly decorated.

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

Practical info:

– To get to the castle, at the end of Náchod town, you need to turn left on route no. 14. There’s no problem with parking in Nové Město, you can park your car on the main square and it’s free of charge.


Nowe Miasto nad Metują

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

– Visiting the courtyard and the gardens is free. Admission to the castle costs 110 CZK. More info you’ll find here.

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

Nowe Miasto nad Metują

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