I tried to visit Poznan two times before, I had bus tickets being almost ready to go but then new opportunities to travel somewhere else popped out. I really don’t know what I can write on my excuse, as Poznan is a special place on the map of Poland. It’s the only city which is mentioned in Polish anthem.
Poznan is an interesting city for a weekend trip, both in terms of culinary, leisure and sightseeing. Anyone can find something for themselves there’re ale lot of interesting activities, numerous architectural monuments, the famous Malta lake or the excellent Swietomarcinskie (St. Martin’s) croissants stuffed with white poppy seed with added nuts, dates and raisins – the culinary symbol of Poznan.
As a matter of fact the custom of baking croissants is connected with St. Martin’s day which falls on 11th November and this tradition has spread all over Poland, but belive me they taste nowhere as good as in Poznan. However, in addition to croissants there are still many reasons to visit Poznan…
Visiting famous Lech Brewery
Do you like beer? Drop by Lech Brewery, located a little further from the centre. During the tour you can see the whole production process, find out about many interesting things, and finally drink a pint of beer straight from the production line.
Old (new) Brewery
I have to admit, until recently, the prospect of a visit to the mall has made mi sick, not to mention going there as a part of sightseeing trip! However, the old brewery in Poznan is a mall worth seeing.
Back in the day when the real brewery was located here, beer was pouring in hectoliters. At present, beer is served in numerous pubs and from the old brewery you can admire a unique industrial building complex and interesting architecture.
Art in the container!
While being in Poznan in the summer, it’s worth looking into the KontenerArt, the metal containers located by the river Warta. There are various cultural events, such as concerts, workshops or alternative art expositions. It’s also a perfect place to relax on the beach during the day and sip a beer in a nice place in the evening.
Colorful goats
Before I went to Poznan, I hadn’t had any special ideas about this city, I had rather expected to see there mainly modern, pretentious city. However, I have to admit that Poznan has surprised me with its atmosphere, architecture and colors.
The Old Town is not a typical so-called tourist trap, this is the heart of the city and the place where local residents meet. Poznan, in my opinion, is an extraordinary city, because is the only one place in Poland, where every day at noon you can see the fight of two goats on the city hall building.
Beside that, city hall also surprises by its unique facade painted in different shades of blue and with statues symbolize virtues (faith, hope, valor, justice, love, moderation, patience and prudence) and paintings of well-known characters from the ancient times.
Next to the city hall, there is a row of colourful and interestingly decorated townhouses.
The Old Town square also features four fountains located in each of the corners, depicting mythical deities.
Next to the market is a Royal Castle with an interesting view of the Old Town.
Another interesting point is a beautiful St. Stanislaw church painted in a rare pink colour.
Close to the Old Town is the famous island – Ostow Tumski. The way there leads over the interesting Bishop Jordan’s red bridge. Ostrow Island is one of the most important places in the city and the pride of Poznan. This is the oldest part of the city, which history goes back to 965. At present, you find there mainly sacred buildings.
A short trip to an exotic place…
What can you do in Poznan on a rainy day? Who isn’t convinced by the prospect of exploring the shopping gallery can visit the Palm House. There are more than 1000 plant species, birds and fish from various corners of the world. Perfect place to move in a few seconds to an exotic place!
The best place to finish visiting Poznan are numerous bars and cosy cafés.