
Vienna – the architectural city of dreams

Vienna is called „the city of dreams” in view of the Sigmund Freud who created here the essentials of the psychoanalysis. But in a fact, Vienna is the city of dreams for the architecture lovers.


Palaces, beautiful gardens, cathedrals or theaters, which can be seen everywhere, resemble the times of the former empire.


Tourists are mesmerized by amazing Viennese palaces. One of the most popular is the Schönbrunn Palace, which surprises by its intensive yellow color. It’s surrounded by an enormous French garden with colorful flowers and beautifully decorated fountain.


From the hill, which is located above the palace, you can admire a beautiful Vienna panorama.


What’s more interesting, six-year old Mozart was starting his career in a one of the 1441 chambers located in the palace.


Another palace which is well worth seeing is Belvedere, built in the baroque style. It’s located a little bit further from the city center.


In the strict city center in the Hofburg Palace, you can visit the Empress Sisi museum.


The most important symbol of Vienna is Stephansdom with the typical 130-meter high tower. It was built in 14th century and it’s one of the oldest in Austria.



The perfect place for a rest is the courtyard of the town hall – Wiener Rathaus.



Entirely different architecture you can see at the Unteren Weißgerberstraße 13, the place of interesting building called Kunst Haus Wien. It surprises by its fabulous, irregular shape, pastel colors, mosaics and a lot of greenery.


Vienna is also famous for delicious cuisine, so it’s obligatory to finish the sightseeing with the good Wiener Schnitzel.


The best are served in Figlmüller but if you want to sink your teeth into the huge, tender schnitzel, you must be prepared to wait in a long queue.


And for the dessert, Viennese cake…


To tell the truth… after eating it, I’m not surprised that Vienna is one of the best cities to live 😉

Who I am... I'm just an ordinary girl, who once believed that dreams come true, and since then, I’ve been pursuing them consistently. My adventure with travelling started in 2008 and since then, I've seen a lot of interesting places which I describe on my blog. I’m interested in the history and culture of the countries that I visit and that’s why I travel as much as I can. However, in addition to the preservation of my memories, the main purpose of the blog is to show you that dreams come true and you can travel often and cheap!

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