Borne Sulinowo – Officer’s House: Forgotten History
Borne Sulinowo is a town full of mysteries, once difficult to find on the map of Poland. Its existence was a closely guarded secret. The history of this place begins in the years 1933-1939, when the Third Reich started to displace the local inhabitants to build a military base and training ground here. Between 1934 and 1937, the Pomeranian Wall (Pommernsellung) was constructed, which was part of the fortifications on the eastern border of the Third Reich. In the garrison Groß Born, as Borne Sulinowo was called at the time, units of Heinz Guderian’s armoured division were stationed. Guderian was a well-known military theorist and the author of the book…
Moscow, museums – places worth visiting
Moscow has been on my mind since visiting St. Petersburg which was about 5 years ago. Like most tourists, I wanted to set my foot on the Red Square. For many, such an expedition is comparable to setting foot on the moon. Personally, I didn’t make a giant leap for mankind, but I realised the main purpose of my trip. I reconsidered my stereotypes about Russians. Russia, and above all Moscow are treated a little standoffishly by foreign tourists. It’s particularly visible in tourist places where apart from Russian, almost you cannot hear any other language. I only heard Polish once during all week, however sometimes it seemed that I…
Kehlsteinhaus, Germany – a visit to the Eagle’s Nest
Kehlsteinhaus or the teahouse on Kehlstein – it’s a legend itself. Beautiful Alpine views clashes with the difficult history of the World War II. The teahouse is widely known by another name, which speaks more to the imagination. It’s famous Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. The teahouse was built on the initiative of Martin Bormann as a gift from NSDAP for Hitler’s 50th birthday. The best architects and engineers in the Third Reich were involved in the construction of the Kehlsteinhaus. This project cost over 30 million Reichmarks, which is currently worth around 150 million €! According to the Bormann’s intention, in addition to the diplomatic function, Kehlsteinhaus was supposed to be…
Belarus – 10 reasons why you should visit this country!
I’d been planning to visit Belarus for a very long time. Even though this country is located very close to Warsaw, it always seemed to me very distant. Before visiting it I heard many warnings about corruption, negative attitude to Poles or problems with crossing the border. How did it really look like? Check out 10 reasons why it’s worth visiting Belarus! 1. The Stalin Line Just 35 km from Minsk, there’s s a place where time has stopped. Bunkers, underground tunnels, trenches, weapons warehouses, command stations and large exhibition of military equipment, literally takes one back to the WWII times. This is the largest military museum in Belarus. It’s…
Georgia – Gori, a short visit to Stalin’s hometown
The first time I heard about Gori, it was in History class a long, long… time ago, I didn’t even think I would ever be in Stalin’s hometown. Some time ago, the world remembered about Gori again. In August 2008, news and headlines were dominated by images of the city seized by Russians. During the short war between Georgia and Russia over two regions: Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Gori, which almost borders with South Ossetia, has become the main point of military actions. Initially, it was bombarded by Russian forces, resulting in the death of many civilians and then from 13th to 22nd of August fell under Russian occupation. Being…
When I booked a flight for a month’s stay in Hawaii I didn’t have even an American Visa, let alone a travel plan, but I had one pleace on my must-see list, it was Pearl Harbor. As I wrote before, Hawaii islands aren’t cheap, so also the tickets to this famous base are expensive. Passport to Pearl Harbor – a ticket to explore all places costs $72, but in my opinion, this place is really worth every given buck. Pearl Harbor is located on the Hawaiian Islands, in Pearl City which is close to the famous Honolulu. The name Pearl Harbor itself derives from the original Hawaiian name – Wai…
Monte Cassino – Passer-by, go tell Poland…
Since I remember, I have always been interested in history, especially this connected with WWII. After visiting Monte Cassino, I think that even the best written history of this heroic battle can’t evoke such intensive thoughts and emotions as visit in this place. During ascending to the top of this hill one can realize how strategically important was this location. During WWII it enabled to control a large area of Liri river valley and most of all the route to Rome. On the way to the top it’s well worth visiting The Memorial Museum of the 2nd Polish Corps of General Władysław Anders which took part in this battle. According…