• Europe

    Isle of Man TT – the world’s most dangerous race

    It’s hard to believe that on the tranquil Isle of Man, at the end of May each year, Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy) – the world’s most dangerous motorcycle race takes place. The air is filled with the scent of gasoline, and the roar of engines fills your ears. Racers certainly don’t come here for the prizes. The winner takes home only $30,000, which is not a large sum compared to other famous races. It’s the adrenaline, the search for extreme experiences, the challenge of testing their limits, and above all, the desire to make history in racing that draws competitors to the Isle of Man in droves. The…

  • londonderry
    Europe,  Northern Ireland,  UK

    Belfast and (London)Derry – in short, The Troubles…

    Belfast had been on my travel bucket list for a looooong time. My initial plans to visit the capital of Northern Ireland were thwarted by COVID, but as I’m stubborn as hell I finally made it there this year. So, why has Belfast intrigued me for so long? There are two reasons: one is quite significant, and the other is rather quirky. Let’s start with the significant one. The main reason for my visit was to witness the city’s transformation after nearly 30 years of bloody conflict. I wanted to see firsthand how Belfast had healed and evolved since the Troubles. Has peace truly taken root, and what does the…

  • Irlandia Północna
    Europe,  Northern Ireland,  UK

    Northern Ireland – abandoned places

    From the 19th century to the early 20th century, Northern Ireland was the center of the textile industry. A reminder of these times are numerous factories that have been preserved in relatively good condition to this day. What’s more interesting, although access to these places is easy, they aren’t demolished. The only factors shaping their unique appearance are the passage of time and nature, which takes control of these places from year to year. The first industrial complex I visited was built in the 1820s. In its heyday, the main product produced in this factory was linen. This facility makes an amazing impression due to its interesting industrial architecture. Tall…

  • Sztokholm
    Europe,  Sweden

    One day in Stockholm

    I spent one day in Stockholm and it was certainly not enough to see everything that the capital of Sweden has to offer. Actually, the reason I was there was my birthday, which I simply wanted to spend traditionally, traveling ? I didn’t care about a long trip and I was considering a budget option. Stockholm doesn’t seem to be cheap destination, but for me it turned out to be the cheapest option. However, the cheapest does not mean the most convenient. To save on expensive accommodation, I went to Gdańsk. There, after a short evening walk around the Old Town, I went to the airport for the night. Next…

  • Europe,  Norway

    Oslo – 10 hours in the capital of Norway

    I was waiting for a long time to visit Oslo. Oslo is one of the most expensive cities in the world, so the options to buy cheap airline tickets didn’t persuade me to go there. The capital of Norway isn’t a large city and the tourist attractions are located mainly in the centre, so I thought that instead of booking the expensive hotel and staying there for a night, it would be better to spend a few hours instead. Unfortunately, as it turned out, flights from Warsaw were operated by Ryanair only in the late evenings. In theory, this fact wouldn’t be any problem for me, because I could sleep…

  • England,  Europe

    England – Bristol

    It was the beginning of November, I looked out of the window, it was cold, grey and gloomy day, so I decided to go somewhere. I started visualizing palm trees, sun and warm sea. I had to get out of here even, just for the weekend. After desperate search for any escape route, I booked the tickets to… Bristol. I can’t say that it was a question of conscious choice, because who in their normal minds is going to England in the middle of winter?! I can call it a momentary impulse, caused by a  low price of the tickets… a month later, laughing at myself, I went to the…

  • Sweden

    Malmö – very subjective narrative

    We visited Malmö on the way from Copenhagen to Poland. We spent all day on sightseeing this city, and even we managed to go to Jakriborg (here is the post about this unique city). I’ve mixed feelings about this city. Usually, I try to assess objectively places which I visit and find differences which create a unique atmosphere. I do want to say that Malmö is an interesting city. Unfortunately, by and large it isn’t.  Naturally I would be very unfair, presenting this city as a “tourist nightmare”. Generally you can find here some interesting, historic places, which I show you in this post. But overall impression is similar to…

  • ryga

    Riga – a journey to the roots… of Christmas tree

    I’m not going to hide the truth that my travel destinations rather than being prepared for a long time, are mostly the effect of spontaneous decisions. What’s more, by a curious coincident, these decisions are usually connected with cheap flight tickets. The same was in case of Riga. Obviously I had thought about trip to Latvia previously, visiting this country was a natural course of things after trips to Lithuania and Estonia. However, I hadn’t considered to go there in the middle of winter! After getting off the plane, I immediately realized why LOT had such a special offer for flights there. It was 31st of December, 11 am and…

  • Troki

    Trakai and misterious Karaites

    Trakai is a picturesque town, located among lakes and forests. It’s a former royal city, which takes back to the times of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. One of the main tourist attractions is a castle, situated in the one of the islands of Galwie lake. It was erected at the end of 14th century by Grand Duke of Lithuania – Vytauas the Great in order to protect the city against Teutonic Order. The way to the castle leads through two bridges and another little islet, where you can admire beautiful landscape of the lake and the nearby town. Besides the castle, Trakai is a popular tourist attraction because here you…

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