• Asia,  Middle East

    Kuwait – space towers and Operation Desert Tire

    I visited Kuwait quite accidentally and spontaneously. Accidentally, I found cheap tickets there, and I spontaneously visited it regardless that from a logistical point of view, this trip was completely pointless. However, let me start from the beginning. One day in August, I started browsing flight offers and noticed that a well-known budget airline had opened new connections from Rome and Vienna to Kuwait. Return tickets were for €40, including weekend flights. I didn’t have to think long, I quickly looked at the map and estimated that 2-3 days would be enough to see the entire country. I didn’t consider a longer trip, as visiting Kuwait’s neighbours was out of…

  • soho
    New York,  USA

    San Gennaro, Little Italia and Chinese vibes in SoHo NYC

    It was a beautiful September morning, while eating breakfast I started checking Manhattan’s map to organise a sightseeing plan. I actually didn’t have any specific plans for that day, I just wanted to go around the city, watch people and take a couple of pics, okay, I admit, maybe not a couple, but at least hundred photos 😉 While browsing the google map, suddenly my attention was caught by a purple spot in place of some streets in southern Manhattan, more specifically around SoHo. Well, what is SoHo actually?SoHo is an acronym used by New Yorkers for the part of Manhattan located south of Houston Street. Obviously, this is not…

  • Bazar na Kole
    Europe,  Poland,  Warsaw

    Warsaw’s bazaars – the capital lives here

    What comes to your mind when thinking about Warsaw? For sure not bazaars… Most people would say that the Palace of Culture and Science, skyscrapers and fancy boutiques in the city centre. There’s no doubt the center of Warsaw is completely different from the rest of the city. As a matter of fact each capital’s district represents its own ” homey ” climate. In Warsaw’s life, for years, bazaars have played a major role. Not only have they been a place of trade but also an important meeting spot. It’s true that I’m a little late with this post, as it lacks the “pearl” of Warsaw markets – the European…

  • izmailovo kremlin
    Asia,  Russia

    Izmailovo Kremlin – welcome to the Moscow fairytale!

    Tourists getting off on the metro station have no doubt which way leads the Kremlin. In the distance they can see colorful palaces and gold turrets. However, something does not fit in this image, there’s no Red Square or St. Basil’s Cathedral. Moscow has a lot of secrets and can really surprise. I won’t hide that I previously believed in an erroneous idea that the Kremlin is one of a kind. The spell was broken  when I discovered there were so many more! This word was once used to decribe fortifications, so it’s highly probable that there‘re quite a few Kremlins in Russia 😉 However, the Kremlin at metro station…

  • Wietnam
    Asia,  Vietnam

    Vietnamese market

    Vietnamese market it’s one of these places which are must while visiting Vietnam. Local markets, stalls with various products are everywhere. The trade in Vietnam seems to be a primary branch of Vietnamese economy. Vietnamese people sell everything and everywhere and I can guarantee that every needed things you’ll find in this country always close at hand irregardless the time of the day or night. It doesn’t matter if it’s dy or night, trade here is always flourishing. Who knows, maybe somebody would have a taste for a watermelon at 2 am… There’re also a various ways of sale. Goods can be sold straight from the car, and even a…

  • ryga

    Riga – a journey to the roots… of Christmas tree

    I’m not going to hide the truth that my travel destinations rather than being prepared for a long time, are mostly the effect of spontaneous decisions. What’s more, by a curious coincident, these decisions are usually connected with cheap flight tickets. The same was in case of Riga. Obviously I had thought about trip to Latvia previously, visiting this country was a natural course of things after trips to Lithuania and Estonia. However, I hadn’t considered to go there in the middle of winter! After getting off the plane, I immediately realized why LOT had such a special offer for flights there. It was 31st of December, 11 am and…

  • plywajacy bazar

    Bangkok – floating market

    Every time when I prepare a trip I try to find a local market because in my opinion nothing else reflects as accurately social life and people’s behavior as it.   Certainly the most interesting bazaars are in Asia and Arabian countries. Besides a wide range of exotic products sold there, we could feel that unique, local atmosphere. I heard a lot of bad opinions about sellers importunity, especially in Arabian countries. Indeed some people can be really exhausted after a trip in such a place. But then again it’s really well worth trying to put aside our prejudice and open to this new cultural experience. It’s an ideal occasion…

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