Jordan – how to organise a trip?
Purchase budget flight tickets is just the beginning of the iceberg. Browsing the Internet to find relevant tips is time consuming and sometimes really boring thing. That’s why I’ve decided to write this post to collect all the most important infomation related to travel to Jordan. Visa and Jordan pass Flights to Jordan can be really cheap, especially from Poland or Germany, while on the spot you have to buy a visa that costs quite a lot because 40 JOD which is about 50€. The best solution is to buy Jordan Pass, which costs from 70 to 80 JOD (around 87 -100€). Jordan Pass includes the cost of the visa…
Spain – fall in love with Santander!
Spain is a popular holidays direction. Sunny weather, monuments and wonderful beaches attract a lot of tourist every year. But why wait for a vacation when you can go there in winter break? It was December, when I received flight tickets confirmation to Santader. Then I realized what actually I had done.In fact, return ticket cost less than 20 €, but the idea of a trip in mid-February was completely devoid of common sense. Beautifully located Santander – the capital of Cantabria is characterised by a mild and humid climate and there’re more rainy days compared to the south of Spain. For this reason, it is not a popular tourist…
Italy – Venice
Venice arises contradictory emotions. Some love it for beautiful architecture and romantic channels while others hate it. It was created about 1500 years ago and has remained unchanged up to this days. The phenomenon of the Venice is that it was built on the marshland. The location of the city on the unstable ground was possible thanks to special wooden stakes that guarantee the stability of the construction of the buildings. Mainly alder stakes were used to build Venice. Wood of this kind is characterised by high resistance, and in addition, it doesn’t rot when immersed in water, without oxygen supplies. Drowning City Venice is constantly threaten by flood. A…
Girl on a Trail – on the way to Poznan
I tried to visit Poznan two times before, I had bus tickets being almost ready to go but then new opportunities to travel somewhere else popped out. I really don’t know what I can write on my excuse, as Poznan is a special place on the map of Poland. It’s the only city which is mentioned in Polish anthem. Poznan is an interesting city for a weekend trip, both in terms of culinary, leisure and sightseeing. Anyone can find something for themselves there’re ale lot of interesting activities, numerous architectural monuments, the famous Malta lake or the excellent Swietomarcinskie (St. Martin’s) croissants stuffed with white poppy seed with added nuts,…
The Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) – a country that does not exist…
The Southern Caucasus is famous for its beautiful views, excellent food, incredible hospitality, but it also has its dark side. The strategic position linking Asia to Europe has always been the cause of clashes among world players like Russia, Iran and Turkey. This area consists of three countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Before the trip, I did not expect that countries with such a small area, could be so different in every way: religion, culture and even origin. The Southern Caucasus is an area of very turbulent history, which is even now visible. Many conflicts remain unexplained, resulting in the existence of three self – appointed counries: Abkhazia, South Ossetia…
Azerbaijan – The Land of fire and mud volcanos
Azerbaijan is also called The Land of Fire. The Absheron Peninsula has been famous for centuries of so called “burning ground”. This phenomenon can be seen 5 km from Baku in Yanar Dag. A unique attraction, located near Baku are mud volcanoes. It’s estimated that half of the all mud volcanoes in the world are located in Azerbaijan . In Qobustan National Park you can see numerous mud volcanoes. What’s more interesting, gurgling mud is cooler than the air temperature – checked by Lukas himsef! 😀 The volcanoes are located on slopes, from which you can admire a beautiful view of the Caspian Sea on one side, and on the…
Azerbaijan, Baku – Mad Max in the shade of glass houses
Azerbaijan has always been the most mysterious country of the Southern Caucasus for me. While Armenia and Georgia seemed culturally close, in the case of Azerbaijan, even the name of its capital – Baku, sounded orientally. In fact, the Caspian Sea, actually the world’s largest lake, was an important communication route between the East and the West over the centuries ago. Actually, I hadn’t known what to expect from Azerbaijan. This country had seemed to me isolated from the rest of the world and expensive. However, Baku turned out to be a very cosmpolitan and cheap city. Apparently, my notion was caused by the high cost of obtaining a visa…
Ohrid Lake – weekend break in Macedonia!
Macedonia isn’t a popular holiday destination. It’s located much farther than for example Croatia and in addition, furthermore it has no access to the sea. However, this small country has a lot to offer and prices here are really low in comparison to other holiday directions. In Macedonia there are over 50 lakes surrounded by high mountain peaks, which can reach even 2000 meters. Macedonia is recognised as one of the highest countries in Europe, right after Switzerland and Austria. What’s more, this country has a huge number of monuments, temples and old monastries. All of this in the area less than 26 000 square kilometeres. In a word, the perfect…
Girl on a Trail – Kosovo
In the very centre of Kosovo, there’s a huge statue – inscription NEWBORN. Born in February 2008 the Republic of Kosovo has not yet been officially recognised by many countries. The recognition of the Republic, was refused mainy by the countries which have internal problems with separatist regions like: Russia, Spain or Georgia. It has been almost 20 years since the end of the war with Serbia. Kosovo is still under international control and it’s the territory shared between Serbian and Kosovan Albanians. At Present, 90% of the population is of Albanian nationality, while Serbs represent only less than 10 % of the whole population. However, for centuries, the proportions…