• Asia,  Russia

    Girl on a Trail – Peterhof and Tsarskoe Selo

    To Be in Sankt Petersburg without visiting the famous Peterhof and Tsarskoe Selo, it’s like the New Year’s Eve without Rossijskoje Igristoje. So, even though I was there on a tour for just 72 hours (visa requirements, you can read about it here), I had to see both places. I started my sightseeing from Peterhof which is better accessible. The complex is located approximately 30 km from St. Petersburg downtown. You can get here by hydrofoil which leaves the dock located close to the Winter Palace. Peterhof was built in the first half of the eighteenth century, at the request of the tsar Peter the Great. Inspiration for its creation…

  • Poland,  Warsaw

    Warsaw – 1,2,3… bungee

    Have yoy ever tried bungee jamping? I guess everyone has had a falling dream even once. I’m not superstitious and I don’t believe in dream interpretations but reportedly it connects with an anxiety of losing control over a particular aspect of  life. Fortunately I’m unfamiliar with such dilemmas but on the other hand lack of control of situation makes our life diversified and fascinating. Once in a while I realize that I need something new, unusual which will stick in my mind forever. Although I don’t like such dreams I’ve decided to try it in practice. The main difference between bungee jumping and falling dream is that the anxiety transforms…

  • hawaje
    Hawaii,  North America,  Polynesia,  USA

    Hawaii – paradise lost?

    Everyone can agree that Hawaii is perfect direction for holiday. Crystal- clear water, beautiful beaches, waterfalls, cliffs, canyons, lush vegetation, outgoing people, all of these capture the imagination. The prospect of living in paradise Islands seems like a dream come true, but is it really a good idea?   Cottage with the views of … What is the average cost of renting a studio, well… in O’ahu you must be prepared for average expenses reaching from 700 $ to  $ 1200 $ a month or more depending on the location and standard. The cost of renting a two-bedroom apartment starts at $ 1000 and  unfortunately, it’s not the end of…

  • Sweden

    Malmö – very subjective narrative

    We visited Malmö on the way from Copenhagen to Poland. We spent all day on sightseeing this city, and even we managed to go to Jakriborg (here is the post about this unique city). I’ve mixed feelings about this city. Usually, I try to assess objectively places which I visit and find differences which create a unique atmosphere. I do want to say that Malmö is an interesting city. Unfortunately, by and large it isn’t.  Naturally I would be very unfair, presenting this city as a “tourist nightmare”. Generally you can find here some interesting, historic places, which I show you in this post. But overall impression is similar to…

  • hawaje
    Polynesia,  USA

    Hawaiian cuisine part II

    Hawaiian cuisine consists not only of the wide range of main dishes, it’s also the heaven for sweets and fruit lovers. On the O’ahu island you’ll find the huge pineapple plantation which belonged to the well-known Dole company. Apart from popular pineapples which are sold in the supermarkets, you’ll see there also a rare red variety of this fruit. Hawaiian pineapples are sweeter in comparison to those available in the shops. As you can see below, we had another pineapple foodie 😉 On Hawaiian islands you can taste also: lychee, mango, carambolas, bananas, papayas, rambutans, longans, jackfruit and dragon fruit. The best fruit and local products are sold on farmers’…

  • haga

    The Hague – informally

    Hague called in Dutch Den Haag was formerly called des Graven hage or for short s-Gravenhage which means “the hedge of the count/earl”. That name dated back to the 13th century when Hague was a settlement with hunting castle which is now known as Binnehof. That little hamlet has developed into main administrative center in the Netherlands. There are the most important authorities including parliament and royal residence. The most surprising is the fact that Hague is only an administrative capital of the Netherlands. The constitutional capital is Amsterdam. Hague is also an internationally significant city. It’s main symbol is  International Court of Justice.  The initiative to establish this institution…

  • kuchnia hawajska
    Polynesia,  USA

    Hawaiian cuisine part I

    Hawaiian cuisine is very varied and reflects interesting history of these islands. It’s famous for the unique combination of products and spices from every part of the world. The archipelago located in the middle of the Pacific, halfway between the United States and Japan was a main target for many sailors who settled there. Thousands miles from their homes, they wanted to make Hawaiian islands a makeshift homeland by introducing their cuisine. Polynesians, well – known for perfect navigational skills, arrived there first. They planted there taro, coconuts, sugar cane and sweet potatoes.   Polynesians’ staple food was poi – thick paste, made of taro, which resembles pudding and tastes like…

  • Budapeszt

    Budapest – 15 reasons why I love this place

    1.Parliament  An ideal place for an evening stroll is Pest embankment. Beautifully lit Parliament and the Chain Bridge add to the atmosphere. Just beside the Parliament, you’ll find the monument dedicated to the victims of Holocaust. It consists of 60 real pairs of shoes. Here in 1944, Jews executions took place.     2. Millenary underground An obligatory point during sightseeing is Budapest underground. The first metro line was opened here in 1896 for the 1000 anniversary of the establishment of Hungarian country. It’s the oldest line in continental Europe. Old, ramshackle trains, steep escalators or tiled stations are inseparable part of Budapest. Additionally, the old trams which compose with the…

  • Wietnam
    Asia,  Vietnam

    Vietnamese market

    Vietnamese market it’s one of these places which are must while visiting Vietnam. Local markets, stalls with various products are everywhere. The trade in Vietnam seems to be a primary branch of Vietnamese economy. Vietnamese people sell everything and everywhere and I can guarantee that every needed things you’ll find in this country always close at hand irregardless the time of the day or night. It doesn’t matter if it’s dy or night, trade here is always flourishing. Who knows, maybe somebody would have a taste for a watermelon at 2 am… There’re also a various ways of sale. Goods can be sold straight from the car, and even a…

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