Jordanian cuisine
Jordanian cuisine belongs to Levantine cuisine which is characteristic to countries like: Lebanon, Palestine and Syria. In addition, Turkish influences can be seen in the traditional way of preparing Jordanian dishes. In a word Jordan is an interesting place on the culinary map of the world! Traditional breakfast is very nutritious and consists mainly of hummus (chickpea paste with lemon and garlic), excellent white cheese of cream consistency, called labaneh, ful madames – paste made from fava bean with cumin, chili and lemon, as well as eggs and excellent halva. What’s more interesting, no matter what time of day is on the table there’re always pickled vegetables, usually olives and…
Algarve – the best beaches in Portugal
The ocean and beaches are an integral element of Portuguese life. The ocean is an inherent part of the history of Portugal and the era of great geographical discoveries, fado music or the exquisite cuisine of the country. Portuguese attachment to the ocean is reflected even in everyday sayings. The Portuguese equivalent of ” it’s not my cup of tea” is: ” não é a minha praia”- what means it’s not my beach. By the way, it is hard to be surprised by this, after all, the length of Portugal’s coastline amouts to over 800 kilometers. However, some part of it, reaching 160 kilometers, is unique. It’s Algarve region –…
Chichén Itzá, Mexico – the bloody wonder of the world…
Chichén Itzá is one of the most important archaeological sites in Mexico, related to Mayan and Toltecs culture. Great temples, steep pyramids and colonnades erected in this place give us incredible image of this former empire. The location of the city in the hot, dry area of the Yucatan peninsula was possible due to two wells called cenotes. One of them was a water tank, while the second larger, called Cenote Sagrado – holy well, which was used for ritual purposes. It was the sacred place of the god of the rain – Chaca. In this well, not only valuable objects were sacrificed but people as well. In addition to…
Dubrovnik – the Adriatic Star…
Dubrovnik, also known as the Adriatic Pearl, attracts millions of tourists every year. Some come here to see the famous King’s Landing from the Game of Thrones, others the city of gamblers – Canto Bight from the Star Wars, the last ones simply want to visit the historic old town. Regardless of the purpose, there are so many people that the term “tourist trap” seems to be a suitable synonym for the name Dubrovnik. So how to survive a visit to Dubrovnik without losing nerves and a lot of money? Transport: Public parking around the old town is usually located in the 2nd parking zone which is intended solely for…
Moscow – seven sisters
Reportedly, after the war, Stalin was going to say the following words: ” we won the war… foreigners will come to Moscow, go for a walk, and there’re no skyscrapers.” I don’t know if this quote is true, but the fact is that just after WWII, USSR set the wheels of great rebuilding machine in the motion, including the realisation of the great Stalin’s vision – project called Seven Sisters. Seven Sisters are in fact seven skyscrapers which were designed to be higher, prettier and more modern than these in the United States during that time. However, the name of seven sisters is not popular in Moscow, Muscovites have their…
Moscow metro – welcome to royal chambers!
I didn’t take me long to decide what my first post from the trip to Moscow would be about. Of course I heard a lot about the Moscow metro before visiting it, but you need to see this place to believe! 😉 Some facts The entire system consists of 12 lines, with a length of more than 300 kilometres and includes more than 200 stations. Some stations are transfer points even for 3 or 4 lines. What’s more, the metro is constantly under construction. Currently the extensive second ring line is underway. Some stations are so deep that the connections between them can consume a lot of time, especially during…
National Park Durmitor – far, far away in Montenegro…
The first day in Montenegro, actually in the village of Žabljak, located near the picturesque Durmitor National Park will remain unforgettable. The flat tire turned out to be the “perfect”beginning of my adventure on the Balkanian roads. The call for road assistance left no illusions: -“of course no problem assitance will be in 15 minutes, please give me the address” – ” thank you very much, I’m in Žabljak…” – ” where?!” – ” in Žabljak…” – ” Oh, I get it, I’ll call you back in an hour, I must check if anyone will be able to drive there…” As a result, there was no other option than to…
Kosovo – Mitrvica and Prizren
Kosovo, though small, offers many tourist attractions, starting with beautiful mountain trails and ending with historic cities. After visiting Pristina I decided to see two other cities: Mitrovica and Prizren. They both are totally different places, but on the other hand they present contrasts which are typical for Kosovo and its current politic situation as well. Mitrovica Mitrovica is located in the northern part of Kosovo, close to the border with Serbia. The largest percentage of Serbs live in this city, and therefore there is a clear division between Serbian and Albanian part. Right after Kosovo declaration of independence, the biggest riots and even terrorist attacks took place here. We…
Na Pali part I – Hawaiian cliffs, doplhins and barking sands
In the area of the green Hawaiian island of Kaua’i you can find a hidden treasure – Nā Pali Coast State Park. The name Nā Pali in Hawaiian means in cliffs, so you can figure out what is the main its attraction. The 17-mile cliff coast stretches from Ke’e Beach to Polihale Beach. Nā Pali cliffs are reportedly among the highest in the world and reach more than 1000 meters above the turquoise waters of the Pacific. They have been shaped over the centuries through erosion activities, like many caves along the coast. Nā Pali cliffs can be seen in three ways: from the air, land and water, and each…